Welcome to Free Beer Studio

Free Beer Studio is a full service AI automation agency, providing low-code and no-code solutions to help businesses improve their processes. We use enterprise-grade tools to help you automate workflows and develop streamlined solutions for your customers.If you have questions about anything or just want to have a conversation, please...


My name is Dr. Wayne Bridges.
I am...

* A husband of an amazing wife and a father of 4 amazing kids and 2 great dogs, based in the heart of the Ozarks, Republic, Missouri.* A curriculum expert focused on the fields of remote learning, mobile learning, and microlearning.* A Solutions Engineer with Omnissa, where I help government and education customers make remote work and remote learning possible with best-in-breed technologies.* A researcher in the field of Intelligence and Creativity Amplification (ICA), using AI tools to augment the cognition and creative potential of humans.* A creator of websites, media, and SaaS applications

If you want to learn more about me, please visit my personal site at WayneBridges.com



Research: Intelligence and Creativity Amplification (ICA)

Free Beer Studio is dedicated to exploring how AI can enhance and expand human intelligence and creativity. Our mission centers on leveraging cutting-edge AI to unlock new realms of creative potential, fostering an environment where technology acts as a catalyst for innovation and imaginative expression. By delving into the depths of Intelligence and Creativity Amplification (ICA), we aspire to lead the way in integrating artificial intelligence into creative processes, ultimately shaping a future where AI and human ingenuity merge to realize unprecedented possibilities.

We are also committed to fostering a vibrant community of like-minded individuals. We warmly welcome comments, collaboration, and collegial interaction from enthusiasts, professionals, and fellow researchers in the field. Your insights and contributions are invaluable to us as we navigate this exciting realm of creativity and technology.



Tailored AI Solutions: Transforming Business Processes with Generative AI and No-Code Technologies

At Free Beer Studio, we specialize in transforming business operations through our unique blend of generative AI and no-code technologies. Our approach is highly consultative and personalized, focusing on understanding each client's specific needs and challenges. We leverage the synergistic power of AI and no-code platforms to create efficient, adaptable solutions that streamline various business processes, from customer service to data analysis and beyond.

Our engagement process is designed to ensure seamless integration and impactful results. Starting with a comprehensive discovery phase, we tailor our solutions to address your unique pain points, followed by the development and integration of these solutions into your existing systems. Our commitment extends beyond implementation, with ongoing support and optimization to adapt to your evolving needs. Choose Free Beer Studio for cutting-edge, efficient solutions that drive business innovation and growth.


Special Offer

Get a Free Business Process Audit

For a limited time, we're offering a FREE introductory business process audit to identify opportunities for immediate improvement in your online presence and digital marketing efforts.

Our Process

1. Discovery

We dive deep into your business to understand your goals, target audience, and industry landscape.

2. Strategy Development

Our team crafts a data-driven, multi-channel marketing strategy tailored to achieve your specific objectives.

3. Implementation

We put our plan into action, optimizing campaigns across platforms to maximize reach and engagement.

4. Constant Monitoring

Our experts continually monitor campaigns, making real-time adjustments to ensure optimal performance.

5. Analysis & Refinement

We analyze the results, identify opportunities for improvement, and refine our approach for even better outcomes.



Contact us and we can customize a Tailored Growth Accelerator Package for your brand.

Hero Image

"Working with Marketing Agency was a game-changer for us. Their strategies not only increased our online visibility but also boosted our sales significantly."

John Smith
CEO at ABC Company

Hero Image

Transforming a Local Shop into an Online Powerhouse

Discover how we helped a small local boutique leverage digital marketing strategies to expand their reach, increase website traffic by 150%, and achieve a 75% rise in online sales within six months.

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Dominating the Market: Scaling a Tech Startup's Success

Learn how our data-driven approach propelled a tech startup from obscurity to prominence. By implementing targeted PPC campaigns and strategic content creation, we achieved a 300% growth in leads and a 200% increase in conversion rates in just one year.

Read More →

Case Studies


Ad Spend Managed


Leads Generated


Increase in Conversions


Google Rankings


Frequenly Asked Questions

How soon can I expect to see results?

While results can vary depending on your industry and specific goals, many of our clients start noticing improvements within the first few months.

Will I have a dedicated account manager?

Absolutely. You'll have a dedicated expert overseeing your campaigns and ensuring your objectives are met.

Can you work with businesses of all sizes?

Yes, our strategies are scalable and adaptable, making them suitable for small startups to large enterprises.

Can you work with businesses in any industry?

Absolutely! Our strategies are adaptable and have proven successful across diverse industries. Whether you're in tech, retail, healthcare, or any other field, our expertise can be tailored to meet your specific goals and challenges.

Contact Us Today


Limited Number Available

Free Website Audit

We are offering FREE in-depth website audits to identify opportunities for immediate improvement in your online presence and digital marketing efforts.
